Whenever I get a chance I continue my exploration of local seashores. The Nordrevik in the south of Gothenburg had eluded me so far. It was a bit hard to find. The usual story: Tucked away behind a fairly wealthy neighborhood, where the locals are not overly interested in advertising the areas highlites, publish information, putting up signs, or find other ways to aid easy access. But of course, this makes a location all the more attractive for a loner seeking quiet seclusion. Or at least the illusion of it. A nature photographer usually is a person of that type.
Google Maps and Streetview help to figure out the approach beforehand. And on this day I was richly rewarded with one of the more memorable sunsets. Can't get enough of them. Contrary to popular belief sunsets vary enormously. Not so seldom you may find yourself engulfed for some minutes in visual magic and a true cosmic sensation - the big mother caressing its little planet with an upsurge of red, orange and gold on a canvas of land, water and sky.
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Google Maps and Streetview help to figure out the approach beforehand. And on this day I was richly rewarded with one of the more memorable sunsets. Can't get enough of them. Contrary to popular belief sunsets vary enormously. Not so seldom you may find yourself engulfed for some minutes in visual magic and a true cosmic sensation - the big mother caressing its little planet with an upsurge of red, orange and gold on a canvas of land, water and sky.
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