Kent Nagano conducts the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra in a memorable outdoor performance.
Gothenburgers love their Symphony. The annual June 6th National Day performance in a city park usually draws thousands of listeners. This year the mutual love affair was put to a severe test, due to truly miserable weather. Nevertheless, dedicated hard-core fans showed up in impressive numbers. And many in the crowd understood that events that turn out differently than everybody had hoped for can have a special charm and magic. Photography though was a real challenge that day! The two cameras seeing action weren't of the safely weather-protected kind... They seem to have survived the ordeal.
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Gothenburgers love their Symphony. The annual June 6th National Day performance in a city park usually draws thousands of listeners. This year the mutual love affair was put to a severe test, due to truly miserable weather. Nevertheless, dedicated hard-core fans showed up in impressive numbers. And many in the crowd understood that events that turn out differently than everybody had hoped for can have a special charm and magic. Photography though was a real challenge that day! The two cameras seeing action weren't of the safely weather-protected kind... They seem to have survived the ordeal.
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