Friday, November 29, 2013

Visiting Neighbors... (Going Galactic)

November 2013 my son Stefan and I went to see "Gravity" in 3 D. Though I really enjoyed the first minutes of relative calm with the majestic earth slowly turning, in total the film's plot is pathetic! The film is worthwile only if you enjoy the effects. There you can really wonder time and again how they're done...

A few years ago I tried to come up with my own "spaced out" production, a show for "Trekies" and others who marvel at the vistas out on that final frontier. Actually, it was only meant to be a rough draft, the interior of my "Enterprise"was to be redesigned completely. But that hasn't happened yet.

Live long, prosper, and enjoy the ride!
The space images used are taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and published at Whenever available I used HiRes images for this show. is a marvellous site with many facts on the depicted objects and on how these images came about.

So come along on this Warp 9 journey crisscrossing what the Hubble-people call the "nearby-universe". The "neighboring" galaxies visited are between 10 and 600 million lightyears from home... Enjoy the ride, live long and prosper!

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