Sunday, November 22, 2015

Many Cultures - One World

At my former place of work – a Senior Secondary School in Gothenburg – one week of the school year was set aside for special project work under a certain theme. In 2004 the theme was “Meeting Cultures“. As staff member I was involved in the planning of the event, e.g. the opening session, with all students present, introducing the theme to them. I decided to start the day with an image show That would give glimpses of cultures quite different from ours. Image search on the WWW was not quite as easy and widespread as it is now. Time was pressing and to be able to get lots of pictures to choose from I formed a little student task force to support me in the preparation. I left it to the group to decide which images should be used. Then we arranged it all into a PowerPoint show and selected Sina Vodjani's “Straight To The Heart“ as sound track.
After recent turmoil in the world and the ever louder voices urging us to give war a chance, I thought of this show again, with its scope on the many people, many languages, many religions, many cultures that form our world. 
I transposed it to film now, not changing any images.

Clicking on the HD mark lets you choose a resolution. “720p HD ”provides the best image quality. Please avoid “AUTO”, available for newer posts: Erratic jumps betwen high and low image quality can occur.
Unfortunately there is a problem with VIMEO at present. The jump between qualities can at times be observed at any resolution selected! Hopefully the situation will improve soon.

Important: To go back to the blog after full screen viewing just end the full screen option: Press "Esc" button on the keyboard or click on the "Exit full screen" symbol in the film's toolbar.

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